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Would you like to see more big deer and turkeys on your property?

We can work with you to come up with a forest management plan that is right your property to help you reach your hunting goals.  Forest management plans can also be created to enhance forest habitat for squirrels, pheasants, quail, rabbits, and other wildlife species which are legal to hunt.

We specialize on serving hunters

We provide forestry for hunters.  Aesculus means buckeye.  At Aesculus Forestry LLC, we are dedicated to creating improved  deer, turkey, rabbit, and other wildlife habitat (for hunters) across the buckeye state.  We specialize in creating a wildlife management plan customized to fit your property and your goals.  Whether you want to hunt deer, turkeys, rabbits, squirrels, pheasants, quail, grouse, or other species of legal game, we can help you create ideal hunting habitat on your property.
Making money for you while improving your wildlife habitat
Deer, turkeys, and other wildlife species suffer from poor habitat in large areas of forest that contain mostly older trees.  By using the latest forestry science and removing certain trees strategically, we can create a more balanced and diverse forest designed to benefit the types of animals which you like to hunt.   We walk through your woods and work with you to create a wildlife plan for your property, and then mark certain trees for removal if it would be beneficial.  If we agree to a timber harvest, then we negotiate with different loggers to help you get the most money for your trees as possible.  We may be able to secure a price for your timber that is two or three times what an individual logging company would offer you if they were to approach you directly.


Aesculus Forestry LLC

Tel: (614) 580-1182

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